To administrate projects or accounts, you need to be a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator. These are roles that can be assigned to a Cargogear account. The roles are used to administrate the settings and elements in Cargogear. We will refer to them in this documentation as “administrators”.
Creating new accounts
Creating a single account
- Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
- The maximum number of accounts has not yet been reached. You can check the license details in the Administration view.
- Switch to the Administration view by clicking on “Administration” in the top bar.
- Scroll down until you have reached the element “Add single user”.
- Fill in all fields of the corresponding form. Please consider carefully which role you choose as this determines what the user can do. Please note: For safety reasons, only Tenant Owners can create other Tenant Owner accounts.
- Click on “Create user” to add the account to Cargogear.
arrow_forward You can see the accounts in the list of all users. The user will receive a welcome email.
Bulk creation of accounts
- Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner.
- The maximum number of accounts has not yet been reached. You can check the license details in the Administration view.
- Switch to the Administration view by clicking on “Administration” in the top bar.
- Scroll down until you have reached the element “Add several users”.
- Download the template to see how the input must be structured.
- Fill in the upload file as shown in the template.
Click on “Upload excel”, select the filled in template and click on “Open”.
You can optionally assign the users to one or more projects automatically. To do so, first click on the drop-down menu. You will find it on the left side of the bulk upload element. Then click the checkboxes for the desired project(s).
- Click on “Create users” on the right side of the bulk upload element.
- If all entries are valid, the users will be created, and welcome mails will be sent.
- If at least one entry is invalid, the creation process fails. In this case, please check your input for missing values or invalid email addresses.
arrow_forward You can see the account in the list of all users. The users will receive a welcome email.
Deleting accounts
- Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
- Switch to the Administration view by clicking on “Administration” in the top bar.
- Scroll down until you have reached the element “All users”.
- Click on the trash can symbol on the right side of the account.
- Confirm your choice by clicking on “Remove user” in the pop-up window.
arrow_forward The user will be deleted from all projects and from Cargogear.