
A project is the main organizational unit within the Partner Onboarding feature. A project consists of assigned documents, reports on the progress, Validation Interfaces and accounts. Optionally, it can also contain a questionnaire to retrieve information from the partners.

Creating projects

Creating a project without a questionnaire

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  • The maximum number of projects has not yet been reached. You can check the license details in the Administration view.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Scroll down until you have reached the element “New project”.
  3. Set project name and descriptions. Optionally, you can add email reminders and / or contact details.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.
The new project will appear in the list of projects.

Creating a project with a questionnaire

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  • The maximum number of projects has not yet been reached. You can check the license details in the Administration view.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Scroll down until you have reached the element “New project”.
  3. Set project name and descriptions.
  4. Select the checkbox “With questionnaire”. The questionnaire editor will appear.
  5. Create a questionnaire name.
  6. For each question, choose between three question types: Radio, Text Box or Check Box.
    • Radio questions allow participants to select one answer out of all possible answers.
      “Answer option text” allows you to set an answer that your partners can select.
      “Allow alternative answer” lets your partners write an own answer. This is optional.
    • Text boxes allow participants to write a free text, e.g. for address data.
      Set an indication into “Placeholder text” what should be filled in here. E.g., “Telephone number”.
      The placeholder texts will be replaced when the participant fills in his answer.
      Select “Optional” if omitting the question should be allowed.
    • Check boxes allow participants to select one or more answers out of all possible answers.
      “Answer option text” allows you to set an answer that your partners can select.
      “Allow alternative answer” lets your partners write an own answer. This is optional.
      Select “Optional” if omitting the question should be allowed.
  7. To add more answer options, click on the right of the two plus symbols.
  8. To add a new question, click on the left of the two plus symbols.
  9. To remove questions or answer options, click on the proper trash can symbol on the right.
  10. To create the project with the questionnaire, click on “Submit”.
The new project will appear in the list of projects.

Deleting projects

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Click on “Actions”, then on “Delete project” and confirm your choice.
The project will be deleted and with it all included questionnaires and project progresses.

Email reminders

Reminders are email messages that notify your partners of open steps in the project. The settings apply to all project steps that are done by project participants.

Adding reminders to a new project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. When creating a project, select the checkbox “With reminders”. The reminder settings will appear as part of the project editor.
  2. Set a reminder interval. Reminder intervals describe the number of days until the next wave of emails is sent to the partners.
  3. Set a reminder amount. The number determines how many reminders should be sent for a project step.
The new project will contain the reminder settings once you click on the submit button.

Adding reminders to an existing project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Click on “Actions”. Then, click on the button for “Project settings” in the “Details” section.
  3. Select the checkbox “With reminders”. The reminder settings will appear.
  4. Set a reminder interval. Reminder intervals describe the number of days until the next wave of emails is sent to the partners.
  5. Set a reminder amount. The number determines how many reminders should be sent for a project step.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.
The project will contain the reminder settings.

Project contacts

Contacts are accounts that are optionally assigned to a project to communicate with the project partners.

Adding contacts to a new project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  • The accounts you want to add have the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. When creating a project, select the checkbox “With contacts”. The contacts” settings will appear as part of the project editor.
  2. Add one or more contacts from the list of available contacts.
  3. Add a description for every contact. For example, “For EDI questions” or “For business questions”.
  4. Unselect the checkbox “Visible for normal Users” if this contact should only be internal. He will still be notified about the progress of the project participants. However, he will not be visible to them.
  5. Unselect the checkbox “Notifications via Email” if this contact should not get progress emails. This is useful if the contact should only answer questions in the project if necessary.
The new project will contain the contacts settings once you click on the submit button.

Adding contacts to an existing project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Click on “Actions”. Then, click on the button for “Contacts” in the “Administration” section.
  3. Add one or more contacts from the list of available contacts.
  4. Add a description for every contact. For example, “For EDI questions” or “For business questions”.
  5. Unselect the checkbox “Visible for normal Users” if this contact should only be internal. He will still be notified about the progress of the project participants. However, he will not be visible to them.
  6. Unselect the checkbox “Notifications via Email” if this contact should not get progress emails. This is useful if the contact should only answer questions in the project if necessary.
The project will include the contacts from now on.

User administration in projects

Adding a user to a project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  • The user has been created in Cargogear at all.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on "Projects" in the top bar.
  2. Click on "Users" in the "Administration" category of the project actions.
  3. Click on "Available users" in the upper right.
  4. Click on the button on the right side of a user entry.
The user will appear in the column "Users in project".
You can also assign one or more projects to a user during bulk user creation.

Deleting a user from a project

  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Click on "Users" in the "Administration" category of the project actions.
  3. Click on the red button on the right side of a user entry.
The user will be removed from the project but not from Cargogear.
See here how to completely delete a user.

Assigning a Validation Interface to a user

Validation Interfaces contain the structural and logical specifications for the validation of data records. Learn more about them here.
  • Your account has the role of a Tenant Owner or Tenant Administrator.
  • The user has been assigned to a project and has reached the phase "Interfaces in validation".
  1. Switch to the Projects view by clicking on “Projects” in the top bar.
  2. Click on “Manage users for this project” in the project actions.
  3. Click on “Manage interfaces” in the “Actions” section.
  4. Check the boxes with the appropriate validation interfaces.
  5. Click on “Submit selected interface”.
The user will receive a notification email that the interface has been assigned to him.
He can now start the validation process for this Validation Interface.

Working on projects

The aim of a project is to establish EDI connections as easily as possible or to reduce the error rate in existing connections. To do this, you go through several steps one after the other.
  • Your account has been assigned to a project by an administrator.
Once you have logged in, you will see a list of your active projects. On the right-hand side you will find a description of the current project step. It shows you what happens next. To the right of it you will find an arrow. If you click on it, you will continue with the project, e.g., by filling in a questionnaire or validating test messages. If you want to return to the project overview, either click on the “Back” button or on the “Projects” tab in the sidebar.
If the arrow is greyed out, this means that an administrator is working on the next project step. Please wait until this step is completed, you will receive an e-mail notification when the project continues. In the “Organization” column, the project administrator can optionally provide contact persons and project documents. You can recognize this by the fact that the corresponding buttons are not greyed out.
If your project partner has provided test interfaces for the Open Validation , you will find the “Open validation” tab in the sidebar.
Please note: Validations that you carry out in the Open Validation do not affect the status of the project. In particular, they do not result in the validation phase being completed. You can get to the validation in a project once you have reached that phase and clicked on the button to continue with the project.

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