
By validation, we mean checking messages for structural, master data and logic errors. The feedback shows you how you have to adjust your message so it can be processed properly.

Validating a file

To validate a message, you can provide it to Cargogear in three ways:
  • You copy it and paste the message into the validation box.
  • Drag and drop the file onto the validation box. The message is inserted from the file.
  • Click on the “Load file” button and then select the appropriate file. The message is inserted from the file.
Then click on the “Validate” button.
The validation report is displayed.

Working with the validation report

The validation report shows you the read message on the right-hand side. If the message contains structure or master data errors, these are displayed here. Red stop signs show you where the message contains errors. Open an element to see details on the errors.
On the left-hand side you will find a button with an arrow. If you click on the button, the validation rules are displayed. This allows you to display descriptions of the individual rule requirements. Validation rules test, for example, whether calculations within the message are displayed correctly or whether sequence numbers - such as for items in a message - ascend without gaps. If a rule is incorrect, you can also see which information from the message was used in the rule. If the message contains incorrect rules, a red dot with the number of incorrect rules is attached to the arrow for expanding the rules.
You can use this information to correct the message bit by bit. We recommend that you first correct the structural errors. For example, add missing mandatory information. You should then correct logic errors by reading through one check rule after the other and changing the message according to the specifications. Correcting incorrect master data is then the last step.
If a message is completely error-free, you can recognize this by the green tick next to the “Segments” section. Secondly, the arrow for unfolding the check rules does not contain a marker that would indicate incorrect rules.

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