Syntax checks refer to a single segment or the structure or content within a segment. For example, a mandatory segment could be missing or the maximum length of a field could be exceeded.
Error message | Description |
Unknown segment | This segment is not known in the structure of the Validation Interface. Usually, this happens if there is a typo in the segment name. |
Segment found at wrong position | The segment itself exists in the Validation Interface, but not at this point. Please check the order of segments in the test message against the specification in the implementation manual. |
Segment's max repetition exceeded | The segment is allowed at this place in the message but it exists more often than allowed. Please check in the implementation manual how often you may repeat the segment. |
Segment missing | There should have been a segment at the place of the error message with the segment name that is mentioned in the error message. Please see the implementation manual for mandatory segments. |
Mandatory element not found | An element within a segment does not exist or does not contain any content. |
Element has overlapping data elements | At the end of the defined structure, there are further structural elements that should not exist there. For example, this can happen if a segment terminator is missing or if a nested data structure is not properly closed. |
Element contains content but must not be filled with data | Some data exchange standards like EDIFACT offer more elements in a segment than the user of this standards needs. There may be even situation when he cannot process the incoming data properly if a certain element is filled. With this error code, the data receiver can specify that this element must not be filled. |
Field content is not strictly alphabetic | This field must only contain letters, not numbers. |
Field content is not strictly numeric | This field must only contain numbers, not letters. |
Wrong field pattern | This field must contain one or more strictly defined patterns. For example, if only 'ABC123' and 'XYZ456' are allowed, 'DEF789' would be an error. |
Field content too short | The minimum length was not reached. Please check the length in the implementation manual. |
Field content too long | The maximum length was surpassed. Please check the length in the implementation manual. |
Wrong decimal operator | There exist different decimal operators in different countries, but the data receiver expects a certain one. Please check the implementation manual for the allowed decimal separators. |